zehl.dev ~ my little demon
// subject
buddha bless
kang bang
das matrix
// meta

My Little Demon Cast A Spell On You!

My Little Demon

Salaam & Grüß Gott!

I'm so delighted that you've taken the time to visit me on the Great Network. You have discovered My Little Demon, my personal playground in the cloud. This site functions as a bridge between the idle rantings of my fingers on the keyboard and a place where I can give my take on subjects ranging from my perspective as a part-time skeptic to the delusional rants of a paranoid former pirate and script-kiddie. Don't worry, I've been on the wagon for some time now.

I have created this establishment as a safe haven for bits of all parity, one and zero alike!

Please rest assured that your participation in this conspiracy (and other such experiments, as they may occur) will be kept with the strictest confidence. While I promise not to disclose any of your data to third parties, I can't promise that I'm not going to barter your digital soul in a deal with the aforementioned demon. Enjoy responsibly!