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With Regard to a Higher Power

The Buddha and the Green Molecule refer to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound found naturally in cannabis indica and cannabis sativa.

The Buddha

Cannabis Laws within the Commonwealth of Virginia

The Cannabis Control Authority maintains a website with an abundance of useful knowledge, including links to the laws as they appear within the Code of Virginia. Understanding the legal implications of having a relationship with cannabis is extremely important, especially if you value your liberty. There are still many misdemeanors and felonies that still apply to offenses involving cannabis. The last thing anyone needs is to get jammed up with the authorities over a simple misunderstanding or technicality.

Medical Cannabis Certification in Virginia (2024)

The final result of this process is the issuance of a digital document by the state called a "CERTIFICATION FOR THE USE OF MEDICAL CANNABIS PRODUCTS".

Medical cannabis cards are available but are no longer required for a certified patient to purchase cannabis from a legal dispensary. The certification is valid for one year and is effective immediately. The dispensary will have you forward the PDF document you obtained from your provider to them for their records.

Purchasing cannabis requires a valid Virginia state identification or driver's license each time you go to the dispensary; you will also be required to pay with cash or direct debit. If the latter method is chosen, a surcharge is applied both from the dispensary and your bank.

The certification process is quite straightforward and can be done remotely with a properly licensed nurse practitioner, physician's assistant, or medical doctor or osteopath. This cannot be just any prescriber, however: they must be credentialed by the Board of Medicine to certify patients for medicinal cannabis use. Most providers who do this sort of thing on the regular don't accept insurance, and I've seen appointment prices range between $100 and $150. Remember, you will almost certainly need to have obtained some manner of a medical diagnosis before you make your appointment.

Prepare to provide documentation of the condition for which you are seeking medicinal certification. I provided screenshots of my prescription history and pictures of my medicine bottles of the medications used to treat my conditions. Chances are you already have a condition that could benefit from the use of cannabis, you'll just have to provide some anecdotal evidence that you are receiving a medical benefit that goes beyond the implied recreational context.

Green Molecule

Favorite strain hotlinks!

Shenanigans within the DynaVerse

I am extremely satisfied with my decision to experiment DynaVap's dry herb vaporizers. After nine months of daily use, I claim to be as familiar with my device as a seventeenth-century soldier and his trusty musket, which itself speaks great volumes to its ease of use considering just how clumsy I am. I recommend you procure a simple heat sink, especially if you plan to use this vape frequently.


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